Ion Exchange USA
Ion Exchange LLC is primarily in the business of sales and distribution of ion exchange resins for a variety of applications in North America. Our products are extensively used for applications like softening (residential water), contaminant removal resins for municipal drinking water applications, purification of corn and cane sugar, specialty mixed bed resins for EDM and for use in high purity water systems required for hospitals, laboratories and semiconductor industry. Our customized products are extensively used for manufacturing of micro carrier beads in vaccine manufacturing. Our specialty pharma grade resins are used as APIs and excipients by the pharma industry. In recent times, our Hydramem range of membranes (UF,NF,RO) have found increasing acceptance for various purification and separation applications.If you are looking for environmental solutions and services then visit our website- or call us on +14167123940

  1 International Plaza Suite 550, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-19113, USA


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