Best Hip Replacement Surgeon in Chennai India

Best Hip Replacement Surgeon in Chennai India
Hip replacement surgery in India is a common orthopedics surgery, not only preferred by patients in India but those from abroad as well. Its cost in India is just a fraction of what it costs in other western countries. India is amongst the world leaders with many hospitals in India having performed over 25,000 hip replacements each. Such large volumes lead to both expertise and cost savings - the Best Hip Replacement Surgeon in Chennai India are thus able to offer a success rate of 99% in hip replacements, and that too at the lowest cost in the world. Dr. Vijay C. Bose presently is joint director and consultant joint reconstructive surgeon at Asian Joint Reconstruction institute in Chennai with vast experience in hip reconstructive surgery in avascular necrosis, Coxa vara & Ankylosing spondylitis. Consult with Dr. Vijay C Bose at :- For More information you can contact us :- Email at: Call or Whatsapp at: +91-9860432255

  Apollo Hospital Main Greams Lane, 21, Greams Road Thousand Lights West Thousand Lights, Chennai Tamil Nadu 600006


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