A Guide on Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)

A Guide on Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
Structural health monitoring is vital to avoid sudden failures and accidents. Before proceeding with any construction activity, it’s necessary to carry out the monitoring of the construction site as well as the nearby assets. Geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring supply quantitative data on the structure’s performance to aid in evaluating its safety and detecting problems at an early stage. Structures can fail due to several reasons like design error, geological instability, poor maintenance, deterioration of construction material, etc. Structural health monitoring is a process to keep an eye on all the structures and generate early warnings to avoid mishaps. Encardio Rite is a geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring company that provides various monitoring services along with state-of-the-art geotechnical instruments. For more click here to read full blog: https://www.encardio.com/blog/a-guide-on-structural-health-monitoring-shm



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