Buffered Coco Peat - SPM Substrates
It has no built-in nutritional value without buffering, and many coco coir particles are filled with sodium and potassium values. However, double-positive elements such as Calcium and Magnesium have a solid relationship to these sites and will replace potassium and sodium. Buffering the Coco Peat is mandatory before processing it into cultivation products; the deficiency problem had solved, and the supply of Calcium and Magnesium to the plant has improved. Buffered coco peat is mainly used for hydroponics and seed germination. This is because the electrical conductivity in buffered cocopeat is lower. For growing a healthy plant, buffered coco peat plays a vital role. The Ec level of the buffered coco peat is low as they are treated to reduce sodium and potassium levels inside, thereby increasing the nitrogen level. We export the buffered coco peat to tropical and subtropical areas; countries like Spain, America and China are a few among them.



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