C Band Single Polarity Feedhorn - Light Weight

C Band Single Polarity Feedhorn - Light Weight
Our C Band Single Polarity Feedhorn can be used for single polarity reception with a Single polarity C Band LNB on prime focus C-Band dish antenna. The feedhorn has a standard C Band flange that will bolt to any standard C Band LNB. The feedhorn can be fitted to dishes that use either tri or quad-feed arms for support of the LNB and feedhorn. Description The Feed is a single polarity C Band feedhorn for the reception of linear polarized signals in the 3.7 to 4.2 GHz bandwidth. Superior quality, excellent illumination patterns, and a compact design make the Super Feed the ideal choice in feedhorns for single polarity systems. Feed features chip-resistant powder paint and cast aluminum construction for added protection against the environment. Built-in the Chaparral tradition of quality, the Super Feed is the an ideal choice for reliable performance. Specifications C-Band Frequency Range 3.7-4.2 GHz f/D Range 33 to 45 Cross Pol. Isolation 25 dB minimum Output Ports WR 229 compatible Temperature Range -40° C to 60° C Buy now-https://www.solid.sale/lnbf/c-band-lnb/single-c-band-lnb-feedhorn

  B-261, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi 110028


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