Dental and Oral health Clinic in Gaziabad

Dental and Oral health Clinic in Gaziabad
To carry out the best treatment procedures, we have the best skills and advanced technology to DIAGNOSE the oral/dental conditions and diseases. We, the tooth saviours, have insightful knowledge in science with special interest in Dental and Oral health. We are also enthusiastic about educating people about oral health and conditions and we believe in maximum work output and patient satisfaction. Along with correct diagnosis, we provide painless dental procedures such as Root Canal Treatment(RCT), Painless Tooth Extractions, Teeth Cleaning, Tooth coloured Fillings, Kids Dental procedures, Veneers, Wisdom Tooth related problems, Implants,Teeth Braces, also we are giving the best Dentures to our elderly patients. Teeth Whitening, Cosmetic dental procedures and Dental Jewelry is something which fascinates our patients at times. सही निदान के साथ, हम दर्द रहित दंत प्रक्रियाएं जैसे रूट कैनाल ट्रीटमेंट (आरसीटी), दर्द रहित दांत निकालना, दांतों की सफाई, दांतों में रंगीन फिलिंग, बच्चों की दंत प्रक्रियाएं, वेनीर्स, विज्डम टूथ से संबंधित समस्याएं, प्रत्यारोपण, दांत ब्रेसेस भी प्रदान करते हैं

  Xpert dental solutions, 3/83, sector 5, Rajendra nagar, Ghaziabad


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