Iksha Fleet Management Solution
Company/Business/Shop Name: Iksha Fleet Management System About Business: Iksha is an AI powered platform in the automobile space, offering a myriad of invaluable services. It excels in discovering location-based services, optimizing resource allocation, planning efficient routes, ensuring preventive maintenance, enhancing performance, and improving fuel efficiency via smart recommendations using its AI powered platform 'Ikshalytics'. One of Iksha's standout features is its ability to provide vehicle health-based alerts, seamlessly integrated with original equipment manufacturer (OEM) recommended maintenance practices. This holistic approach, encompassing the concept of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), empowers you to make strategic decisions about your asset's lifespan. To further secure your assets, Iksha implements thorough driver Know Your Customer (KYC) and verification processes, ensuring that your vehicles are in the hands of verified, reliable individuals. The platform simplifies the often complex world of inspections, checklists, and compliance-related documents, such as insurance renewals. It achieves this by sending timely alerts as expiry dates approach, ensuring your business remains fully compliant with relevant regulations. With Iksha's role-based security measures, you have full control over access permissions, enabling you to define roles and memberships based on specific needs. Lastly, the platform streamlines reporting processes by offering automated reports, eliminating the need to manually initiate monthly, quarterly, or other periodic reports. This user-friendly system makes managing your fleet a seamless and efficient process.



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