Loans and project finance
We are offering Loans / project funding's, to Companies and Individuals with profitable projects in any area of specialization at 2.5% per annum for a duration of 2 to 20 years with a year or two interest grace period. All cost, fees are deductible, except the cost of loan inspection and evaluation visit by the loan inspectors to the borrower's location before loan disbursement. We are also direct providers of the following: SBLC / BG Also, we pay 1% commission to Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers who introduce project owners for finance or other opportunities. We Loan offers between USD1M to USD1B loan for business owners. Our lenders are well vetted according to European Union financial institutions. Pease advise if you can handle any of these case. If not, we will sincerely appreciate any referrals Skype: jerrymsjerry eMAIL: Chris Anderson

  New Mexico


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