N. P. DUTT & SON | Homoeopathic Manufacturing Company

N. P. DUTT & SON | Homoeopathic Manufacturing Company
N. P. DUTT & SON is a GMP certified homoeopathic manufacturing company and 175 years is one of the leading homoeopathic medicine traders in West Bengal. Keeping in the mind that homoeopathy serves mankind without having any sorts of side effects into accounts, the main motto of the company is to serve the people of India with the best quality of homoeopathic drugs in the form of MOTHER TINCTURE, POTENTISED MEDICINES, BIO CHEMIC TABLETS & TRITURATIONS & COMBINATIONS, PROPRIETARY (Oral Liquids) and OINTMENTS. Company have succeeded in providing the best quality with an effective pricing throughout various states all over India and constantly being upgraded for reaping benefits in terms of quality, productivity and lasting customer relationship.

  55, Pramanick Ghat Road, Kolkata- 700036


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