Premium Sensor Manufacturers & Precision Strain Gauging Services - Proact IMS - Strain Gauging Services - sensor manufacturers in india - Straingauge Bonding Measurement Services - Top Transducer Manufacturers and Suppliers in India

Premium Sensor Manufacturers & Precision Strain Gauging Services - Proact IMS - Strain Gauging Services - sensor manufacturers in india - Straingauge Bonding Measurement Services - Top Transducer Manufacturers and Suppliers in India
Step into Excellence with Proact IMS – Pioneering Progress in Indian Industry Development. Committed to delivering superior analytical instrumentation and precision test and calibration services, we stand as the forefront leader dedicated to shaping the future of the Indian industrial landscape. Join us in our journey towards innovation, quality, and advancement, as we set the standards for excellence and contribute significantly to the growth of industries across the nation.

  No. 590, Banashankari stage 3, Hosakere-halli Cross, Opp. Panchavati Park, Bengaluru 560085 India


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