Solid C-Band Dual Pol LNB - 1 Port For Horizontal Signals and 1 port For Vertical Signals

Solid C-Band Dual Pol LNB - 1 Port For Horizontal Signals and 1 port For Vertical Signals
Solid C-Band Dual Pol LNB - 1 Port For Horizontal Signals and 1 port For Vertical Signals Please Note: 1 Port for H Signals and 2nd port for V Signals. you will not get H/V mix signal with this lnb. For Mix Signal buy CB-2 Solid C - Band Dual Pol. LNB Harsh Environments. Easy Installation. 13/18V Voltage Switching. Feed Horn / Scale Included. Gain - 65 db Noise - 17K HD Ready - C - Band Dual Polarity You can Receive TV Signals from a normal C-Band by fitting on C-Band Dish Antenna. Buy now-

  B-261, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi 110028


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