SOLID CB-2MSFL Twin Multi Satellite Feedhorn LNBs

SOLID CB-2MSFL Twin Multi Satellite Feedhorn LNBs
This SOLID CB-2MSFL help you to track two or more C-Band satellite by using this LNB combo. Combo included: C-Band LNB X 2 Connectors to connect Diseqec Switch X 2 DiSEqC Switch X 1 Technical Specification for LNBs : Input Frequency: 3.7~4.2GHz Output Frequency: 950~1450MHz Gain: 65dB (Typ.) 17K HD This C-Band LNBF is best suitable for receiving C-Band TV Signals using a C-Band Dish Antenna. It is special for receiving C-Band Signals from different-2 satellites. Buy now-

  B-261, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi 110028


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