SOLID SF-720 Rechargeable Digital Satellite dB Meter with Torch (2023)

SOLID SF-720 Rechargeable Digital Satellite dB Meter with Torch (2023)
This Satellite dB meter comes with an inbuilt battery so you can recharge it before dish antenna installation. This satellite dB meter is used by most Indian DTH brands and their installation support executives if you have an installation business then this satellite dB meter must-have for easy installation. Features: Support 0/22KHz, DISEqC1.0, UASLS Support Unicable LNB Build-in highlight LED light Show the Signal Quality on Nixie Tube Support to check the power cable automatically Support to reset to defaults LCD Screen shows signal strength quality, power, MER, Tp type, FEC, BER, etc. The unit of signal power support dBm, dbuv USB 2.0 for a software update, backup satellite parameters Buy now-

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